



  Mevagissey, Cornwall:  01726 871074      
Pics 2024
One of the Largest, Fastest Charter Boats in the South West!


See this page for pics of past catches - go to 'Pics 2024' for this year!

CAR = Caught & Released
bluefin tuna
Oct 2019 - 250lb bluefin tuna CAR
bluefin tuna
250lb bluefin tuna CAR
35lb ling
7th Dec - Rob's 35lb ling
bull huss
4 Sept - Richard with 1st of 2 bull huss
30lb ling
Jim with his 30lb ling
52lb conger
21st Aug - Tim's 52lb conger CAR
1st Oct - Johnnie's porbeagle CAR
blue shark
Rupert's big blue CAR
10th June - Dougie's megrim
24lb ling
9th Aug - Eliot's 24lb ling
John Dory
5th Aug - Chris' John Dory
1lb 11oz cuckoo wrasse
Derek's 1lb 11oz cuckoo wrasse
29lb cod
...and Andrzej's 29lb cod
28lb ling
5th Oct - Adam's 28lb ling
36lb ling
2nd Nov - Affie's 36lb ling
75lb conger
...and Dave's 75lb conger CAR
81lb conger
17 Aug - Mariusz' 81lb conger
12lb 7oz pollack & cod
..Rupert's cod & club record pollack
28lb 9oz ling
29th Sep - Rob's 28lb 9oz ling
3llb ling
28th Sep - Radek's 31lb ling
28lb cod
Richard with his 28lb cod
68lb conger
Barry with his 68lb conger CAR
37lb ling
30th July - Scott's 37lb ling
34lb ling
Barry with his 34lb ling
130lb blue shark
27th Sept - Lexie's 130lb blue CAR
Rod with his porbeagle CAR
18th Sept - Nick's gurnard
30lb cod
7th Nov - Matt's 30lb cod
61lb angler fish
Cornish record 61lb monk fish for Sid!
3lb John Dory
30th July - Roy's 3lb John Dory
35lb ling
Emma with her 35lb ling
22lb cod & ling
Chris' 22lb cod & ling
27th August
Sam & Dave with some of his catch
42lb conger
27th Aug - Sam's 42lb conger CAR.....
27lb ling
13th Aug - Neil with his 27lb ling
23lb 7oz cod
24th November - Brian's 23lb 7oz cod
63lb conger
Linus' 63lb conger CAR
24lb cod
16th Aug - Agnieszka with her 24lb cod
63lb conger
A much fought-for conger for Tom! CAR
32lb ling
Mike with his 32lb ling
95lb blue
25th June - 95lb blue for Robert! CAR
28lb cod
21st Sep - Nick with his 28lb cod
20lb pollack - CLICK
Doug's 20lb pollack
16lb spurdog - CLICK
Martin's 16lb spurdog
20lb cod - CLICK
Ian with his 20lb cod
17lb pollack - CLICK
Darren's 17lb pollack
56lb conger
Darren's 56lb conger - CAR

Stone bass
13th Aug - Steve's 6lb 8oz stone bass - CAR
John Dory
4th Aug - Gary's 4lb 8oz John Dory

Cornish Junior Record ling
17th June - Guy's Cornish Junior Record 25lb 5oz ling
33lb ling
Ed with his 33lb ling

20th May
Guy's Cornish junior record 44lb 4oz conger CAR
16th September - CLICK
Jeremy's 5lb 2oz club record haddock
12th October - CLICK
Phil's 120lb blue - CAR
Sept 2nd
Del's 2lb 4oz 'Cornish Bill' (garfish)
28lb cod
24th September - Kevin's 28lb cod
7lb bass
Alki's 7lb bass
22nd July
Steve's string of whiting
3rd April
3rd April - Graham's 35lb ling - 8lb roe!
60lb conger
Mick with his 60lb conger - CAR
26lb ling
1st August - Hawkey with his 26lb ling
55lb conger
6th Aug - Darren's 55lb conger - CAR
22lb pollock - CLICK
9th Sept - Martin with his 22lb pollock!
29th July
29th July - Les with his 20lb cod
21lb cod
23rd July - Rob's 21lb cod

30th July
Robert caught a 15lb cod, 10lb pollock & 6lb pollock all on one set of feathers!!!
5lb 7oz bass
11th July - Darren's 5lb 7oz bass
28lb ling
Grant's 28lb ling 23rd May
large garfish
8th September - Del & 2lb 8oz garfish!
60lb conger
60lb conger - one of 10 by Steve CAR!
80lb blue shark
11th August - a bouncing blue!
11th Aug
Just before release
26lb pollock
26lb pollock - don't let the skipper fish!
6th December
Another ling for tea!
good pollock
19th Nov - Steve with 16lb & 18lb pollock
19th November
Cod and pollock caught by 2 anglers
22lb pollock
18th Oct - Mark's 22lb pollock
James' 5lb 8oz whiting
14th September
Blue shark, recorded..............
shark return
........and returned safely,14th September
24lb ling
4th September - 24lb ling
68lb conger
7th September - 68lb conger - CAR
8th September
58lb conger - 8th September..........
.....40+ congers CAR today
16th Aug - 50lb+ conger...C.A.R.
23rd August
Nigel with his 12lb cod
26th July
22lb coley caught on live mackerel
31st July
Guy & his 2nd Junior Cornish Record 30lb conger - C.A.R.
26th July - large sunfish.....
26th July
.....came along to say Hi!
28lb ling
Perrin's 28lb ling - 8th Aug.....
.....and another nice ling for Kelvin
20lb ling
5th July - Gill & 20lb ling
3rd July - Tom's ling
13th June
19lb pollock
lucky friday 13th!
.....and another!
7th June
John with ling
38lb tope - CLICK
17th June - Rob's 38lb tope - CAR
1st June
1st June - fine cod
21st June
21st June - Jim & 23lb ling-click

© Deb Hunkin


email here

01726 871074


PL26 6UJ

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"A great day's fishing on a great boat with a great skipper. Many thanks, John and Danny."
HERE for their film catching conger!

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